Vouchers for accommodation at B&Bs (and sometimes hotels) are often part of vacation packages for travel in Ireland, or they may be sometimes be purchased separately. We have never used vouchers on any of our trips to Ireland. ...
We had lunch and conducted our interview with Peter and Kemberlee at the Lee Valley Retail Outlet in Inchigeela (west of Cork City just off the N22 on the R584), which just happens to have a lovely cafeteria upstairs. ...
Lough Allua (bInchigeelagh/b Village, Cork). Aqui estamos de novooooo!!! Con novas aventuras pesqueiras dende a ínsula irlandesa. Ben, tras un par de pescatas nos ríos Blackwater (rosco) e Bride (6 e 22 troitas en dúas xornadas) dos cales ...